ATELIER CITI - SOS – Save Our Sleep!


04/06/2024 | 11h00 - 11h30 | Salle 5 - Salle des colonnes


We are in 2044, Clearings are 24x7, non-compliance with regulations and sanctions is spotted and needs to be addressed in real time, smart contracts execute all rule-based processes leaving only the more complicated and urgent exceptions for humans to resolve, AI generates mountains of recommendations any time of the day, will we store enough coffee in the office to keep us awake? Come and see solutions Citi is developing to help you maintain a good sleep discipline! From real-time multi-banking to Digital Assets solutions, from real-time liquidity sharing to updating signers, our liquidity and payment solutions are fast becoming real-time ready, so you can focus on what really matters, growing your business and serving your clients.
