See you on Tuesday, May 27!

A chain of challenges

With the imperative to adapt to increasing digitalization, new regulations but also increased risks (cyber, fraud or ESG), Trade Finance and Credit Management managers see their missions strengthened. What progress in their profession? The scale of certain projects and the transformations they require can give them the impression that they are like mountaineers at the foot of their mountain. How can we ensure that the climb goes well? Which side should we start on? How can we plan our progression so as not to experience a roller coaster ride, with challenges to be met that come one after the other too quickly.
On the occasion of the 21st edition of Universwiftnet, we invite you to analyze together the challenges you must face in the short and medium term. Corporate treasurers and Trade Finance specialists will come to testify in particular on how their security and digital identification policy is evolving, but also explain what it means to integrate ESG issues into working capital management. Finally, we will also see how treasurers face the challenge of immediacy and the avalanche of regulations.
So don't miss the next edition of Universwiftnet on May 27, 2025 at the Palais Brongniart in Paris . You can register now!
Ludivine GARNAUD
Editor-in-Chief of Events

The event in figures

Workshops & conferences
TV tray
Awards ceremony

Looking back at the 20th edition

20 years later!
For its 20th edition, UNIVERSWIFTNET gave the floor to many experts in the treasury professions, their bankers and software solution providers and their advisors!